Thursday, December 20, 2012

NY Times Education Blog

This resource is great for current events! There are lesson plans aligned with the common core. It is probably best for 4th and 5th grade. It is geared towards older children, but could provide a challenge for some of your higher students. They have a word of the day, what happened on this day in the past, etc. Very interesting blog!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

School Center Cheat Sheet

From basic to advanced--Here is a little cheat sheet to help you when updating your website!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Virtual Field Trip

Instant Google Street View!

Record your SMART Board lesson

Tami Poland sent me this and it is great! Here is a way for you to record your SMART Board lesson. The file format is one that School Center will accept so you will be able to upload it to your webpage for parents to view.

Click here to see how it is done! You will be amazed at how simple it is!

Stolen from another blog

I stole this from Ellen Hughes at WCES. It is great!!

"This LiveBinder consists of resources that help educators select Web 2.0 tools that can be used to support several of the highly effective instructional strategies as identified by Robert Marzano. Learn more about the strategies in general by clicking on the Effective Instructional Stratgies tab."

Under the "Identifying Similarities and Differences", "Summarizing and Note Taking", and "Non Linguistic Representation" tabs you will find loads of Web2.0s to use with your students.

Click on the link below to get started!

19 Google Tricks

Google has many different tricks that a lot of people don't know about. Here are 19 that may be helpful to you! Click the image to see!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Flip your Classroom!!

I was reading an article the
other day and it was talking about flipping your
classroom. The concept is, you record yourself
giving a lesson, you then upload that video to your
website so the students can watch it for
homework; then when the students come in the
next day they are ready for the activity! It takes
the concept of homework and flips it around.
Instead of the students doing an activity at home
without your assistance, they do the activity at
school so you are there to guide them. Since the
lecture part is completed at home, you don’t have
to worry about the students not understanding an
activity. Students can view the instruction on the
computer, or any other mobile device--iPad, iPhone, SMART phone, kindle, nook, etc!
Here are the links to a few articles that discuss flipping your classroom!

The county is also offering training for this on January 22! Check for more details. The training is titled "Flipping the classroom."

Monday, December 10, 2012

Google Form Templates

Quick Google Form templates that are already created. These were developed mainly for teachers and principals by Kern Kelley. There are a couple in there that are designed to grade the quiz for you! It scores the student answers as soon as they are finished!